- If u watch NDTV – You will think India is taken over by Fascists, there is going to be civil war and China is about to reach Gurugram.
- If u watch ZeeTV, Republic, News X, Republic Bharat, India TV- You will think India is the new major Military-Economic World Leader and we will soon take over CHINA
- If you read newspapers, you don’t know whether God or Govt. is running the country.
- If you watch stock market, you don’t know whether economy is sinking or reviving.
- If you watch local channels, you feel as though the world is going to end tomorrow due to corona virus as there will be no population left
- If you go on the road, you see so many people and traffic as though there is absolutely no problem and there is nothing like virus…
- If you read Whatsapp you will find the world is facing every conceivable problem, and also there is an expert to provide solution to every problem. 😀
- If u read/watch all of the above – You will be a confused man:
So don’t read/watch anything – spend time only with your wife – listen to her sermons, Lectures and follow her advice and do whatever she says – you will be happy, at peace…😀😀
Choose your options wisely. Issued in Public interest*👍🏻👍🏻